2011年8月2日 星期二

How you go far

“It’s not about how far you go. It’s about how you go far from your inner strength!” quoted from Cheryl Catranbone. When I heard this from Cheryl at “Yoga & Abs” class tonight, I’ve recited it silently in my heart several times. “Your front is ego and your back is the universe.” “People coming to yoga have desire to change.” There were many other great sayings which have inspired me or let me ponder over a lot. My thoughts are pouring like springs under the starry night. Sometimes feelings are just beyond description. Though I’ve practiced yoga for 4 years, there is a new bonding starting today. Namaste!

To Cheryl,
Thank you so much for all the energy and passion you brought to the class!

2011年4月2日 星期六


晚上 Johnson 和我在家享用烤肋排時,古典樂台傳來熟悉的樂章。


「哇!」J 說。


「唉喲!」J 繼續用誇張的聲調。

「這不是我們自己有 CD 也常聽的嗎?跟爸爸比起來我只能算是小小皮毛啦。」(公公是非常厲害的古典樂迷,從沒錯過一場國家音樂廳的新年音樂會)


還好烤肋排的肉通常不多,不然可能會笑到噎到 *^O^*

Youtube 所賜,找到今晚聽到的拉赫曼尼諾夫第三號鋼琴協奏曲1978 Horowitz 所演奏的版本實在是經典!