一直生活在亞熱帶的群,以前抽到金馬獎在某島當兵就碰上當地 30 年來第一場大雪,記得當時還寄了封家書,群在信上畫著漫畫版的自己穿著大頭兵軍裝,在所有可塞東西的口袋裡放滿了小零食,最後署名孤寂群。可以想見漫天雪地中,那數饅頭的望海日子還真是種非常的鍛鍊,巧媽又趕緊寄了滿滿一箱的禦寒補給品給遠在前線的兒子。
成品 ─ 碉堡水果雪人
入夜以後,群決定來試更大的作品,便和 Johnson 合力聚攏陽台上全部的雪。
隔天早晨,胖胖版 Snow Snoopy 依然微笑迎接我們 *^o^*,猜猜看 Snoopy 的眼睛、鼻子和尾巴是什麼東西做成的?
可惜雪已經停了,溫度也漸漸升高,只能做小小躺臥版的 Snow Dog。Molly 家一歲多的 Trevor 看到也指著用嬰兒語說「wof, wof」看來首度雪雕展成功囉!
To my dear Brother,
You have great potential to be an artist. There is a fantastic landscape out there waiting for you. Just go ahead and look for your dreams. Once you found it, live up to it! I always have faith in you!
4 則留言:
WOW....很像! Excellent. It is the best snow snoooy I have ever seen.
P.S. It is also the only one I have ever seen.
hey, jrhs is me, Q-ma. I am using a new account.
oooops, typo - Snoopy (not snoooy).
Sorry, I didn't mean to "spam" your site here.
Dear Q-ma,
Don't worry about it. You're always the first reader. Thank you. I believe 群 is happy to know that you like it. We loved it so much and it was sad to see the snow snoopy melting and disappearing. I'm glad we have pictures to keep the memory!